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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Copying target agreement profiles

Menu path

HRM à Setup à Target agreement à Generate target agreement profile


You need to define the target agreement settings for either a corporate or division level before you can access this functionality. At this page, you can display a list of people based on the defined criteria and copy a target agreement profile to one person or more.

To copy the target agreement profile of the person defined at the Link section, select a person from the results, and then click Generate profiles. The status of the target agreement profile created will be displayed as Open. You can generate a request to initiate the target agreement review cycle immediately via a message box that will be displayed once the profile is created or via the Generate requests button.

Alternatively, you can also create the request manually at HRM à Setup à Target agreement à Generate target agreement request. Otherwise, you can wait for the background job to run. Once the background job is completed, a request will be generated automatically. Once the request is created, the status of the target agreement profile is updated to Draft.

Roles and rights

To copy a target agreement profile from one person to other people, function right 95 — Maintain target agreement is required. By default, users with the HR role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information on this document is based on product update 252.

How do I copy a target agreement profile to other people?

  1. On the HRM: Generate target agreement profile page in the Link section, type or select an employment ID at Person: From to define the person whose target agreement profile you want to copy.
  2. In the Profile details section at Valid date: From and to, define the validity date of the profile(s) to be created.
  3. At Request: Start date, type the start date of the request(s) to be created for the profile reviewer(s).
  4. In the Criteria section, define the criteria to display only the people that match the defined criteria.
  5. Click Show.
  6. From the results, select the check box(es) next to the person or people to whom you want to copy the target agreement profile, and then click Generate profiles.

Keep in mind:

  • All fields with the “! icon is mandatory.
  • Once you click Generate profiles at step 6, the target agreement profile will be copied to the selected people and Created: X will be displayed under the Status column, with X being the number of profiles created. If you are copying a similar profile which has already been copied to the same people, Existing: X will be displayed under the Status column.
  • Once the target agreement profile has been copied successfully, a message “Do you want to create requests for the created profiles?” will be displayed:

    o    Click Yes if you want to create the requests to the respective reviewers immediately to inform them to perform the required reviews. You will be directed to the HRM: Generate target agreement requests page. The information in the Criteria section and the start date of the profile from the HRM: Generate target agreement profile page will be copied to the HRM: Generate target agreement requests page and the search results will automatically be displayed and selected. Then, click Create.

    o    If you do not want to generate the requests, click No. You can always generate the requests later by clicking Generate requests or go to HRM à Setup à Target agreement à Generate target agreement request. For more information, see Creating target agreement requests. Alternatively, you can wait for the requests to be generated automatically by the system and sent to the respective reviewers when the background job runs. For more information on the background job, see Exact.Jobs.Sys.Maint.dll.




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 Assortment:  Date: 14-05-2014
 Release: 230  Attachment:

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